Episode 76: Insiders
What is insider risk and how does it differ from an insider threat? Did you know that these are not always bad actors or malicious acts? We were curious about insider risk management, insider threat detection and everything that goes along with it, so we asked Zach Luze to unpack this vast topic for us. …
Episode 75: Explaining AI to your parents..
If you were to open your Twitter/LinkedIn/Mastodon feed at the moment, it is undoubtedly filled with AI posts - while some of these might be interesting or even somewhat useful, the majority likely include the words “RIP” and some profession or job function. There is so much AI FUD around right now and we wanted to find out if the hype was worth listening to. Is Skynet going to take over and put us all out of a job? We thought we’d ask an expert and that’s exactly what we did when we recently talked to AI MVP Akanksha Malik. …
Episode 74: Llama Cam
In this episode we geek out about home automation, Azure and training cognitive services to recognize llamas. Wait.. sound weird? Maybe, but we had a blast talking to MVP Lars Klint about life on his farm in the high country of Victoria in Australia and how he uses technology to automate (and amuse) …
Episode 73: Persistently Vulnerable
Exchange Server 2013 officially reached its end of support on April 11, 2023. What exactly does end of support mean? What should you do if your organization still relies on Exchange 2013 for email? In this episode I’m joined by Microsoft MVP Jeff Guillet, and we attempt to answer these questions and more. We also discuss the recent Microsoft announcement to throttle and block email from persistently vulnerable Exchange servers to Exchange Online …
Episode 72: Cyber Readiness
We’re Back! Happy 2023 to all - and yes, I realize that it’s February. We often talk on this podcast about cyber readiness and the important of having a plan but, felt it would be important to unpack that a talk about what is means in practical terms. In this episode we welcome back our friend Fran Donoso to explain what cyber readiness entails and provide some great advice to help you and your organization get ready for when you have to deal with an incident. …
Episode 71: CISO
A CISO, or chief information security officer, is a senior-level executive who oversees an organization’s information, cyber, and technology security. We recently had a fun conversation with our friend and CISO Sachin Surajbali about what is means to be a CISO. Sachin gave us a glimpse into a day in the life of a CISO, how to delicately balance all the technical and non-technical aspects of the role and why it is important to not be a hindrance to the business. Sachin also offers some great advice for any aspiring CISOs. …
Episode 70: All about Teams
We recently had a great time talking to fellow Microsoft MVP Tom Arbuthnot about all things Microsoft Teams - covered some of the great community work Tom is involved with and discussed Teams call quality, meeting etiquette and how work from home has brought about a massive increase in meetings for many of us. Warren also gives some interesting financial advice (Not intended to be taken as real financial advice..). …
Episode 69: Exchange Server - Fine wine or Swiss cheese?
We love Exchange Server! No, really - I’ve personally been working with Exchange Server in some form or fashion since Exchange Server 5.5 in the late ’90s and in some circles that makes me a late bloomer. It is difficult to ignore what seems like an endless list of day-zero vulnerabilities that have plagued our old friend over the last 12 - 18 months. These vulnerabilities have seen security researchers pointing the finger and the tech press calling Exchange Server a security liability. It’s 2022, should you really still be hosting your own email? In this episode, Nic and I discuss the relevance of Exchange Server and attempt to answer this question. …
Episode 68: In the kitchen with Chef
We apologize for the poor audio at the beginning of this episode - we’re not sure what happened, but it does improve as the episode progresses. …
Episode 67: PSA - The end of Basic Auth in Exchange Online (no, really!)
Microsoft first announced the deprecation of Basic Authentication in September 2019 with the intention of starting the retirement process in October 2020. Those plans were subsequently postponed and needless to say it’s been a long journey for many organizations to prepare for the inevitable. Sadly though, it seems not everyone received the memo and there are many organizations that still use basic auth extensively. Our old friend, Greg Taylor has been examining the telemetry and shared some interesting insights with us. We talk more about this change, what it means for you and how you can prepare for it (if you haven’t already!) The clock is ticking.. …